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 Services Offered:


Don’t know much about parallel processing, bus compression, or vocal processing? Or maybe you do, but you just can’t quite get that full sound you’re looking for without spending too much valuable time that could be spent writing more music.

Regardless, mixing is the most crucial stage between composition and release that; especially with Hip-hop, RnB, and electronic tracks, can make or break a release. Mixing highlights and strengthens the forefront elements of a song while tastefully layering in textures and subtleties like ad libs that truly give a track life.

The mixing process works the same as any collaborative process, but with some nuances. The most important thing I will get to know from you in our face to face meeting is what elements are most important to you and what effects are most crucial to maintain. I will likely ask you what songs you think it aligns most closely with to make sure you mix well into the niche you want.


Despite all the voodoo and hand waving that goes on by mastering engineers, this process is actually faster and easier than mixing. Because of this, the service is cheaper and the time frame between when you send it and I finish it is shorter. With that being said, mastering is still a crucial stage before release. Mastering is not only about loudness, it is also about tone, dynamics, saturation, stereo imaging, and mix translation between different systems.

I’ve worked with artists who perform live on big systems and they can attest that my masters stand the test on everything from phone speakers, to cars, to the stage. Working with Ableton Live is awesome as well because I can send you stems with master processing such that you can easily perform your tracks live by omitting certain tracks for live play without losing quality and loudness.

During the mastering process I will also give you feedback on your mix because if the mix isn’t good, the master will not be either. You won’t just get a master, you’ll also get some mix coaching.


Tired of using type beats and sounding the same as everybody else?

Being a big name artist means sticking out above the rest of the millions of songs uploaded every week. The artists who have stood the test of time didn’t follow the trends, they created their own wave with a truly unique sound. This is what I offer.

When you record on top of a beat the process is really just started, you need a producer to finish molding the song around what you put down so that the vocals and beat work together. This way you can have a fully cohesive song with tons of addictive ear candy that will keep your listeners coming back.